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Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Some Thoughts And Reflections


Let me start by asking an apology because I could not comply with the requirement that is being asked of me. Frankly, I could not find the guidelines given during our last Teachers’ Club gathering. I have misplaced it and it is nowhere to be found. But as far as I could remember I am supposed to make a write-up about the things that I have learned from the teachings propounded during the previous other sessions of the Club. Moreover, I am supposed to write down concrete examples on how these teachings affect the way I deal with people, the way I do the responsibilities inherent in my state of life. In my case, since I am in the teaching profession how these teachings affect the way I deal with my students. Furthermore, I am also supposed to write something about another person’s experiences in relation to the teachings heard during the sessions. I am afraid I would not be able to do all of these.

I could cite many reasons why I feel so inadequate to meet this request. But I would rather not elaborate them. All I could promise is that when the time come when I would feel I already have something worthwhile to share then I will gladly do it.

Let me rather share instead my ongoing personal journey to find meaning and direction in my life. Honestly, notwithstanding the considerable number of years that God has gifted me I am still far from certain about many things. I still struggle with my weaknesses and my many uncertainties. There are times though things seem to fall into their proper places. But more often than not this cannot be held so for long. When challenges and stresses come along I can hardly keep my composure and all my resolve come tumbling down. Then picking up the broken pieces I would start all over again until the coming of the next cycle.

Lately however a certain thought came to me which triggered a considerable amount of excitement on my part. I thought of coming up with a grand design that would include the findings of science as they affect our lives, the wisdom that philosophy has accumulated through the ages, the role of art in the heightening of our emotions and finally the insight and experiences of the great sages and mystics about the spiritual realm that they have visited. I am in the process of trying to integrate all the timeless and valuable teachings from all of these dimensions so that perhaps I can come up with a more balanced perspective of life. I am aware of the great tensions and conflicts in the past that have caused considerable pain and suffering to people especially the frequent religious wars as well as the dramatic conflict between science and religion. In this quest I find the perspective presented by the dynamic life coach of the Bread of Life Ministries helpful and enlightening. One of the most important learning that I value is that to be religious does not preclude the acceptance of the scientific perspective of reality. The reason for this lingering feeling is my false perception which life beneath my subconscious awareness that to be religious means to be different or even indifferent to the affairs of the world.

I am beginning to see that all these domains accessible to us have their own specific role to play. Each area possesses a unique vantage point which others may not be able to provide and when one is mistaken for the other always causes an unnecessary confusion and tension. The most exciting development that holds a great promise is the strong belief that after all science and religion are complementary with each other which is quite at variance with what has been commonly held before. It can even be clearly demonstrated that the reality that the physicist is describing is the very same reality that mystics in the past have always been talking about though couched in words and thought forms inherent to their particular milieu. Thus I see that the wider and broader one’s exposure to the different areas of human engagement the clearer will be one’s perspective and the more meaningful will be one’s insights. This is where I value the things I have learned from the Teachers’ Club. It provides me with a clearer and deeper understanding on how to apply the eternal truths transmitted to us through His written word. Every time I come out from a teaching session I feel a sense of being fully nourished which gives me the strength to face the hard realities of daily life. Without my knowing it, I become more tolerant, more humble and more courageous. The message becomes a leaven which in its mysterious ways allows me to grow steadily to the full stature as a son of God. To the extent that I have grown more mature in the path to righteousness and holiness would be the extent that I can be of help to others.

Maybe this will be all for now but as I have mentioned earlier I will be willing to share more about my personal journey when there is a need to do so.

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