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Friday, February 18, 2011

Who is the ideal leader?


One of the most desirable traits of the kind of leader I want to develop is his/her keen conviction that human resource is the most vital and most important asset of any institution. When talents and skills are given the right atmosphere to grow, time will come when a bountiful harvest of great and effective leaders will surely rise to the occasion. This leadership component is supremely important and is the reason why other countries lag so far behind in all areas of development when compared to others which might be similarly situated in many ways. Failure in this crucially important aspect of leadership can never be substituted for anything less. All the other resources like money, materials and opportunities might be in abundance but without the creative minds which connect all the missing links for all of these to produce the desired results will never come to fruition. It is therefore imperative that whoever might become the leader of the college should be abundantly imbued with this conviction and does everything in his/her power to promote and support activities along this line.

Corollary to this is the concept of teamwork. There is no better way to affirm the supreme value of human talents and skills which only wait to be tapped is the creation of suitable and timely opportunities for these talents to be used. Everybody should be made to feel that they are part of a team. Everybody is a star in his own right but nobody is indispensable though everyone is needed. Everyone therefore should have the right to be heard and once a particular line of action has been decided on each one is expected to do the utmost for the success of the project. The value of synergy should be so highly priced for it is the surest to attain the highest form of excellence. Promoting teamwork then is indispensable for the success of any endeavor. When team spirit cements the relationships of the members in an organization, jealousy, competition and back stabbing will have no place to grow.

Teamwork will be greatly enhanced if transparency in all aspects of the operation of the unit will be as common as the air we breathe. When everybody knows the ins and outs of the organization, when all the details are so clear no room for doubt can even be imagined. Everybody feels responsible for all the failures as well as all the successes that necessarily come along the way. The bonds that link the individuals become so strong that they are able to feels as one with a common cause in the pursuit of a shared vision. Everyone exactly knows what is expected of him of her and knows as well that nothing is expected from each one but only the best.  While much room for creativity should be provided, innovations should be highly treasured and due recognition should be accorded to all deserving members.

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